Denim Clearance Sale

Starts: Thursday, June 15th at 9:00 a.m.

We're clearing out our old styles, sizes and washes to make way for the new Fall inventory. 30% to 50% off the original prices. We have all jeans sorted by size so you can easily grab a stack and head to the dressing rooms.

Earnest Sewn (filson, Fulton, Hutch and Hemmingway)
Corpus (Fine and Morphy)
Kasil (All styles)
Howe (Skinny Puppy & Standard)
RVCA (Metro)
A.P.C./APC (New Standard in Bleached or Vintage)
Uppercut (Remaining stock)
Obey (one style)

In addition, we'll take 10% off all non-clearance jeans until Sunday, 18th.