You're Our Best Advertising

I'm sure you've heard many times that word of mouth is the best form of advertisement. As a small business owner I can honestly say it's a fact! Most of our customers find out about us from friends, family and from "word of mouth" sites like Citysearch and Judy's Book. Our ratings and reviews on these sites plus personal testimonials are what inspire people to get in their cars, drive to ballard and find what they were looking for at Blackbird. Was that how you found out about us? Or was it The Stranger? Either way, word of mouth is powerful.

If you have some time, check out these sites and read our reviews. If you have some time, review Blackbird and maybe a few of your favorite (or least favorite) boutiques. The little guys appreciate your support.

Judy's Book
Citysearch Seattle
Yahoo Local

Side note: Did you know that Blackbird was voted Seattle Citysearch 5th Best Men's Store for 2005"? This was such an honor. Thanks to everyone who voted!