(as always; as this is an unprofessional translation, quotes should not be taken literally.)

"Swaim Hutson (obedient sons)

While the brand is not formally famous yet in Japan, Obedient sons will definitely soon be filling up select shops in Japan. Chief designer Swaim Hutson created the brand in San Fransisco but moved to New York just a few years ago. While the 2007S/S collection had a rock taste, the 2007-08A/W collection is a heavy duty ivy style. He said his wife is the major factor of the change. His wife, Christina Hutson is Swain's support for both the business and creative aspects. We can see their strong relations during the interview; Swain has a great trust in his wife. From Christina's advice, they started a ladies line of the brand. "I love guys clothes. I think it seems very charming for girls to wear boys clothes," Christina said. Swaim states that he starts his creation from the material or fit, but Chirstina insists, with confidence, "No, we have to have an idea first." They now have a seven month old child and their strong bond really shows through in the creation of their clothes.

2007-08A/W's theme is "Black Mountain." This is the name of a 1950s art school which was based in Swaim's homestate of North Carolina (info here.) The style is inspired by the teachers and students who were studying Bauhaus in a real nature environment. It may seem very similar to Ivy, but there is also a mix of classical outdoor and rugby sports styles. In Japan, the Harajuku shop "Cassidy," a shop which is keen on New York trad style, was the fastest in the area to pick up the brand. 2008S/S's theme is "Island." From the previous season, they have a classical resort style which appears with cute taste. "Obedient Sons" now has defusion lines as well; "Sons" and "Daughters" are the new interest in New York."