Since its beginnings in 1933, Moore & Giles has been producing leather goods in many forms. We introduced their bags around the spring time of last year to a very warm reception. The quality easily shows through when handling their products, as does the obvious amount of work which goes into each piece. The leathers are tough and rugged and the construction is top notch.

In this post, there are two specific leathers which are featured; Brompton and Alligator. More information regarding the leathers comes from their official webpage.

"Brompton is Moore & Giles' most unique leather, produced in Northern Italy by a fifth generation tanner. Brompton's hot wax tannage highlights the natural tones and rich colors that give the leather its depth and character."

"American Alligator is valued for its beauty and durability. Moore & Giles sources farm-raised alligator and hand burnishes the hides to reveal their richness."

"Weekender Bag" in Brompton black or brown ($492)

Magnetic money clip in Brompton black or brown ($48)

Card case in Brompton blue/black ($60)

Card case in Alligator Tan ($252)