Announcement: Ballard Boutique Warehouse Sale

Looks like the Seattle P.I. picked up on our warehouse sale this weekend. A few years ago when this happened we had thousands of people lined up waiting to get in. This year, if that happens we will have a system where we give you a time to come back (ala Ticketmaster). Get in line early if you want the best deals.

Caffe Fiore is near by on Sunset Hill, so grabbing coffee will be easy. We will also be selling simple food and beverages inside.

The weather report says light rain so bring your slicker or umbrella. We're going to see if there is a covered area to line up in. We want to do everything to make sure it remains a fun and positive event.

BRING CASH. Many vendors will not take cards as we will not be connected to phone and Internet at this location, but then again, many will, like Blackbird.

I am exitced also to announce that Marqsmen from Bellevue Square will participate!!! We are very happy to have another men's store in the mix. They always have cool stuff.