Slideluck Potshow is teaming up with the CoCA -- Center on Contemporary Arts -- to host a beach party grillin' at Shilshole bay. Come and join in. Bring some potato salad and an appetite for sweet photos.
If you haven't heard of Slideluck Potshow, it's a brilliant non-profit organization that combines new photography with the delicious tradition of a potluck dinner. Artists submit a variety of photo slides for the exhibit, and we the people can enjoy them while swapping dishes!
If you haven't heard of Slideluck Potshow, it's a brilliant non-profit organization that combines new photography with the delicious tradition of a potluck dinner. Artists submit a variety of photo slides for the exhibit, and we the people can enjoy them while swapping dishes!

Potluck Beach BBQ: Thursday, September 11th, 7-9p
Slideshow: Thursday, September, 11th, 9p
Shilshole Bay Beach Club, 6413 Seaview Ave NW, (near Golden Gardens)
Shilshole Bay Beach Club, 6413 Seaview Ave NW, (near Golden Gardens)