The Vatican presents I am here, I was there, a site-specific and time-based installation from artist Iole Alessandrini. I am here, I was there is an interactive piece that invites the visitor to temporarily experience The OKOK Gallery:

The interactive nature of the work transports the viewer within the mediated space of a camera and screen within the micro exhibition space, viewed from chest level and angled upwards towards the ceiling. As visitors move in and out of the camera’s visual field, attention is guided toward the ceiling in which words LA CITTA' DEL VATICANO (I AM THERE ) are spelled backwards and in anamorphic perspective; a metaphor for an overhead Renaissance trompe l’oeil technique. The ceiling text forms a hemicycle in reference to the columns in Saint Peter’s Square located in front of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. I am here, I was there suggests a liberating alternative to tourist catered Las Vegas style architecture and the Disneyfication of historical icons that deny visitor interpretation or assoiciative input in favor of a manufactured pre-packaged experience.

The Vatican is here! Are you there??
Visit OKOK Gallery this Saturday, October 11th, during the Ballard Art Walk (6:00p)

OKOK Gallery
5107 Ballard Ave. N.W.
Seattle, WA 98107