"I have always enjoyed tools. My whole life I was surrounded by them, starting very young while watching my dad work in his shop, or on the house, and waiting for him to call out the next tool he needed to get the job done.

Over the course of my life while working, I've come to learn that there is definitely a tool for every job. However, sometimes certain tools have the ability to rise above a single use, and then become part of a family of tools I would call, the essentials. I realized very early on that the knife was one of these such tools.

Also very early on, I've learned that it is important to take care of our tools, and in this case, sharpen them. Since then, I've been honing my skills for this practice, mainly because I get some measure of peace out of doing it. Working with my hands always does this for me. Of course, the result is rewarding as well.

So when a fella came in the other day and asked if I could sharpen an old scythe he found in a field, I was pretty jazzed about the challenge of something new like this. I think it turned out real fine."

The Field House has been offering sharpening services since the beginning of the new year, for mainly kitchen, pocket, and hunting knives...but tools of all kinds are welcome, as long as they are manageable to work by hand. All sharpening is proudly done by hand, with wet stones and files. For estimates on any items, please contact Ben, at The Field House: 206 297 6093. Or come by the shop, where a much more proper estimate can be given for your tools and knives.