We at The Field House have collected an assortment of vintage pipes and various pipe-related appurtenances for your puffing pleasure. For those in the habit, or those simply aiming to do gramps proud, we've got you covered. If you're looking for some habits to accompany pipe ownership, you might consider looking into claw-hammerin' banjo, stick whittlin', kickin' up dust and hollerin' at whippersnappers. At the very least, The Field House can get you started with a new (old) pipe.
First off, the piece de resistance:

DETAILS: Cream-colored meerschaum pipe of mysterious provenance, resembling a flower. For those that are unfamiliar with this material, meerschaum is a lightweight and malleable mineral, commonly found in the Black Sea. However, deposits of this clay-like stuff are also found in Pennsylvania, Morrocco, Spain and a few other strange locations (thanks, Wikipedia). Wherever this hand-carved ivory bud finds its origins, it's certainly a beauty. The shapely, leather-covered, rusty-clasped case seen in the pictures is included.

Vintage Chalkware Pipe Stand with Bear

Vintage Smoky Mountain Wood Pipe

Vintage Scottish Terrier Pipe Stand
DETAILS: This obedient little guy is so irrepressibly adorable, we couldn't help but to name him Scottie Pipe'n. Name change welcome (and dependent) upon purchase.

Vintage Big Ben Pipe from Holland

Vintage Royal Duke Import Briar Pipe