Last week we were in Tokyo visiting a number of brands for the S/S2009 season and one of the exhibitions included the always wonderful Diet Butcher Slim Skin. Less conceptual as some recent collections, this one brings to mind the fun quirkiness of some past collections with familiar details popping their heads up again. The collection's title, 'Gasp', is simply a title this time as opposed to a true theme. Taking a look at everything piece-by-piece, it seems a collection of garments and images that we can wear and interpret as we wish, to whichever extreme we prefer.

The fits and fabrications give a real spring/summer feel this time. Lighter weight fabrics are in heavy usage and everything feels very soft and relaxing against the skin. Even the toughest and grungiest looking pieces manage to keep a beautiful delicate feeling.

Pictured above is the current entrance design descending into DBSS's flagship shop "Venom" and below are some images from the spring/summer 2009 collection.