Check out our two newest Blackbird products at the Apothecary! The Blackbird Beard Oil and Black Pepper Hair powder are great ways to take care of your hair and skin.

Blackbird Beard Oil
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Now that you are a man, sit down and listen to what my father and his father before him knew about beards.  When you are old enough to grow a beard, you will find the hair on your face is funny and coarse.  But don't worry - Beard Oil is a great way to keep that scraggly hair looking healthy and colorful along with keeping the face from getting dry.  Now get out there and chop down a tree.

CONTAINS: Argan Oil, Grapeseed Oil and a hint of dry Moroccan wood.  A superb, lightweight moisturizing and conditioning oil for our beardly friends.

TO USE: Rub a generous amount into your palm, rub hands together and massage into beard hairs and the skin underneath.  

Blackbird Black Pepper Hair Powder
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Hair Powder is a fantastic way to absorb excess oils and refresh the hair without washing.  Our powder can also be used on the skin to soften and mattify.  You will enjoy the modern soft and peppery scent which we formulated to work for both men and women.

TO USE: Shake powder into hands and apply to hair or skin.

CONTAINS: Kaolin clay, Arrow Root powder, and essential oils