Twice a year publishes a buyers guide of best menswear items selected by the top buyers in America. This season, not only the list of stores has improved but so have the picks. I appreciate that buyers are sticking their necks out there and taking risks on fashion and innovation. There was so much variety and fun in this sample of 87 items that I ran through the pile three times and took notes. WAY TO GO BUYERS! WAY TO GO GQ/DETAILS!
Here are our picks. We submitted 8 items and that was narrowed down to 4. You will notice that these are all small labels. We believe that all great innovation is coming from the little guys. Everyone on our list gets copied by impostors season after season and rarely gets credit, but they pick up and innovate again the next time around. No boo-hoos; just genius. This is what we love. This is what we support.

in gray and black
"Season after season, Diet Butcher Slim Skin produces gorgeous and unique knitwear. This season's basic sweaters give a cool, grungy vibe while also providing a bit of color highlight." $450

in that color what ever it is
"These are probably the most badass boots that Julius has done in quite a while. They give off such a cool punk image and will continue getting better through the general wear and tear of life."

in tobacco waxed cotton
"Lately we've been appreciating backpacks for day-to-day ease of use, and this one from Property Of... in particular is getting a lot of love. They always put careful thought into each feature of their bags, and the results are very utilitarian while remaining still pleasing to the eye."

in blue
"Geller's skinny jeans have become the go-to pant for many of our customers. The glowing navy blue shade of these looks quite eerie paired with a dark outfit."
None of these items are in stock today but can be pre-ordered if you email
Here are my favorites from the other stores:



p.s. Thank you to all of the brands for supporting Blackbird by sending samples for this article.